The Integrated Centre for Training and Agricultural Experiences (CIFEA) of Molina de Segura, attached to the Regional Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Environment of the Region of Murcia, is also at state level and since October 2015, National Reference Centre in the professional area of Vegetable Preserves of the professional family of Food Industries.
The National Reference Centres (NRCs) are public centres for innovation and experimentation in vocational training. They are located in different autonomous communities and, due to their facilities and track record, are considered centres of excellence. These centres are distinguished for programming and executing innovative, experimental and training actions in the field of vocational training, in such a way that they serve as a reference for the whole of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training for the development of vocational training in the field of their family or Vocational Area. They will be organised in a Network of National Reference Centres.
The National Reference Centre for Vegetable Canning is conceived as an institution at the service of vocational training systems, it must facilitate more competitive vocational training and respond to changes in the demand for qualifications in the productive sector of the Agri-Food Industry and of Vegetable Canning in particular. Its work should therefore be a guiding reference for the production and training sector throughout the country.